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The programme includes specialist modules in financial forecasting, financial markets, investments and risk management. You’ll gain first-hand experience of financial markets by using our Bloomberg terminals and taking advantage of opportunities to build a track record and portfolio. The curriculum of the programme is generally researchled, with the sophistication and depth of research used increasing over the programme of the year until the final semester Contemporary Issues in Business module. Your technical ability to research is also developed within the Academic and Career Development module. You’ll be taught by experts from the banking, finance and accounting industries, including professionally qualified finance staff. At Newcastle Business School we work with a large number of employers at local, national and international levels enabling you to take advantage of graduate opportunities. The programme by its very nature is internationalised; your awareness of the multi-cultural environment that modern finance operates is developed throughout the programme. Read More
“My journey at QFBA-Northumbria University was an emotional rollercoaster, and I will be forever thankful for the memories I made along the way!”
This module is designed for business students to develop a non-technical understanding of the key aspects of corporate financial theory and practice. The module covers the core aspects of raising capital and determining financing, though to investing capital in major corporate decisions, and finally returning value to shareholders.
Specifically you will study in the module Sustainable Value Management, Stock Market Efficiency, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Portfolio Theory, International Cost of Capital, Capital Structure Decisions, Dividend Policy, Corporate Valuation and International Merger & Acquisition activity. The module has a focus on business responsibility of all of those areas, concentrating on professional codes of conduct in areas such as the banking industry, accounting and similar finance areas, and the types of dilemmas that graduates could face in professional practice. This module will help you develop as a critical and reflective practitioner. In the module you will become more aware of the issues that responsible businesses face when attempting to implement financial concepts and theories into practice.
In this module, you will learn and examine the banking risk faced by banks and financial institutions. This module takes you through the specific areas of credit and market risks within the context of the relevant regulatory framework
The Basel Accords and draws on case study material provided by high profile banks and financial institutions. You will be expected to develop an understanding of the nature of credit and market risks, its measurement models and management issues. The module will cover:
In this module, you will examine the interest rate, liquidity and operational risks face by banks and financial institutions. You will also learn the measurement and management aspects of these banking risks with the help of case studies within the banking and finance institutions.
Further, a key aspect of the module is to determine why an effective fraud risk assessment framework is essential to the banking and financial institutions. You will be developing and communicating an effective fraud risk assessment framework. Prominent real life financial disasters would also be examined to demonstrate how these issues can impact upon banking and financial institutions. The module will cover:
The Basel 3 regulations on liquidity risk management.
You will learn advanced academic skills such as how to use structured approaches to read, note-making, research and writing, transferable skills to ensure academic success in all your other academic modules and enabling you to conduct a critical literature review of employability, graduate marked place informed by career theory.
Then using advanced research skills, theory and self-assessment tools you will learn how to and choose and apply for a relevant job role and career path, in turn enhancing your employability and transferable academic skills. Finally, you will conclude the module by designing a complete set of graduate application tools for the job role and career chosen and will experience a number of recruitment exercises such as interviews, group exercises and self-branding and presentation to further develop your employability, academic performance and career management skills. The module will be concluded with a theoretical session and a number of practical exercises designed to develop your self-confidence and employability.
On this module, you will learn about critical thinking and reflection, and doing so, you will develop the necessary critical skills to perform both of these effectively as a learner in higher education. You will learn about the necessary academic skills required to undertake a critical review of existing literature on a contemporary issue within the business and management disciplines.
On completing this, you will be able to perform a critical literature review on a subject appropriate to your degree programme. Here, you will be introduced to the module, before identifying how to select a contemporary issue within business and management. You will learn about the development of critical thinking and what is meant by a literature review as well as the importance of being able to write a literature review. You will learn how to get started in this development by searching for sources and developing essential research skills including reviewing literature and critical evaluation, before going onto develop your own critical literature review which represents the module assessment.
This is a non-credit bearing module, and forms an extension to the 120 module credit points on your top-up programme. The module is designed to provide a greater understanding understanding of academic expectations for your direct entry into the final year and to support you in the transition process of your learning experience.
The aim of the module is to facilitate the development of your independent learning over the one-year programme. Induction and on-going personal support activities are to be phased in line with the academic development and the need to support the delivery of programme modules. On completion of this module, you should be able to complete the process of transition directly to the final year. This will include your personal and academic development activities. You will also be able to seek learning resources and study support, including academic and social integration.
You will learn how organisations can compete successfully in economic terms while managing their corporate, social and environmental responsibility.
At the end of the module you will learn to critically evaluate the factors which underpin an organisation’s success (or otherwise) in managing the triple bottom line and will have learned how to use appropriate frameworks to analyse research material and draw useful conclusions.
In addition to a good secondary school profile, it is recognised that successful admission of the programme is dependent upon the ability of the students in the English Language. All students must have an adequate command of written and spoken English to be able to study any programme which leads to an award of the University.
A high school certificate recognized by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Qatar.
CNAQ graduates who have successfully completed the 3-year diploma in Business Management. Other qualifications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Application Form
QID and Passport
Passport Sized Photo
High School Transcript
College Transcript
(if applicable)
(if applicable)
Tuition fee:
Application fee:
Fees can be paid by card at the University premises, online from your applicant login, or via bank transfer. Application fees (QR 300) are non-refundable.
Application open in February
Application deadline in September