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The core focus of our teaching is about preparing you for employment. Key modules include Careers in Accounting, Economics and Finance, and Professional Practice in Accounting, Economics and Finance – both designed to build practical knowledge of working in the industry. Read More

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“I am eternally grateful for the numerous opportunities that QFBA-Northumbria University provided me over the academic year, which shaped who I am today. Thank you to my family, friends, classmates, and everyone at QFBA.”

Sidi El Youssy

Sidi El Youssy Student

EF3039 - CORE, 20 Credits

Listening and Seminar Skills for Academic purposes

This module focuses on developing your listening, note-taking and seminar skills. It provides bi-weekly lectures covering topics relating to global issues that will allow you to develop topic knowledge and listening and note-taking skills.

EF3040 - CORE, 20 Credits

Reading, Writing and Research Skills for Academic Purposes

This module introduces you to the skill of reading for academic purposes and develops your academic writing skills. There are weekly reading texts covering global issues topics that provide you with exposure to, and the experience of the types of academic texts you will be expected to read during your degree programme.

EF3041 - CORE, 20 Credits

Intercultural Communication Skills for Academic Purposes

On completion of this module, you should be able to demonstrate: 1. An awareness of yourself and your cultural background; 2. Knowledge of other cultures and how they are represented; 3. Confidence to express ideas and opinions objectively in academic English; 4. Improved pronunciation and fluency in English 5. Experience of working within a team and have developed intercultural communicative competence.

AF3001 - CORE, 20 Credits

Practical Maths and Statistics

This module provides you with the knowledge and skills of applying a variety of practical mathematical and statistical methods that are used to analyse and interpret financial data.

AF3004 - CORE, 20 Credits

Business Intelligence and Analytics

This module is designed to develop your understanding of the role that data and data analytics plays in organisations. The module will introduce you to various data sources. It will empower you to build an understanding of how to collect and analyse data. You will become confident in locating data, interpreting and analysing it to facilitate business decisions.

AF3005 - CORE, 20 Credits

Contemporary Issues in Accounting, Finance and Economics

In this module you will explore the contemporary issues that are impacting the world of Accounting, Finance and Economics today. You will be able to understand and critically appraise the issues in order to demonstrate how these contemporary issues are likely to shape the future of the Accounting, Finance and Economics landscape.

AF4030 - CORE, 20 Credits

Introduction to Mathematics and Statistics

This module will introduce you to general mathematical and statistical methods used to analyse and interpret accounting, financial and economic data. The module will address and review essential preliminaries of algebra and mathematical functions, such as linear, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions; expanding on numerical series as well as context- based optimisation problems.

AF4031 - CORE, 20 Credits

Accounting, Economics and Finance in a Global Business Environment

This module will enable you to better understand the economic, institutional, accounting and financial forces influencing the development of markets and exchanges and interactions within the global business environment. This module will introduce you to analytical models and principles that will help you understand and analyse the global environment in which business decisions are made. You will develop an appreciation for the variety of factors that influence the choices and compromises that are made in international business and the implications of these choices on businesses.

AF4032 - CORE, 20 Credits

Careers in Accounting, Economics and Finance

This module provides you with the skills and knowledge you need to successfully secure a relevant undergraduate placement and/or a graduate-level role in your chosen discipline of Accounting, Finance and Economics. You will cover a number of key topics including career planning, writing CVs, cover letters and application forms, psychometric testing, competency-based interviews, assessment centres and current trends in recruitment and selection practice in accounting, finance and economics

AF4036 - CORE, 20 Credits

Principles and Theories of Finance

This module provides you with an introduction to underpinning financial concepts upon which your degree will be based. You will learn about the financial system; interest rate theory; foreign exchange rate dynamics and the operation of the money, fixed income and equity markets. You will be introduced to a range of financial instruments including collective investments and socially responsible investments. You will learn about the concepts of utility, stock market efficiency, portfolio theory and the capital asset pricing model (CAPM).

AF4037 - CORE, 20 Credits

Business and Financial Analysis

You will learn practical methods of analysing and comparing businesses and effectively interpret their financial results, in doing so you will be introduced to critical thinking skills. The module introduces you to the skills and techniques required to analyse and interpret financial statements and related information. This provides a framework within which you will be introduced to the concepts used in business valuations. You will be encouraged to consider the limitations of business and financial statement analysis as applied in different decision contexts, such as investment and lending decisions.

AF4038 - CORE, 20 Credits

Financial Decision Making

You will learn how financial information can be used to assist managers and external user groups in their decision-making processes. You will initially look at the informational needs of outside user groups, the nature of the information they are provided with, and how this information can be analysed and interpreted in order to enhance the effectiveness of their decision making.

AF5030 - CORE, 20 Credits

Financial Markets and Institutions

You will learn the key aspects of the regulations, ethics and professional body requirements that define the ‘rules’ for the financial sector. You will draw from a range of historical case studies to see how regulation within the financial system has transformed. You will be encouraged to discuss and critique the latest regulation changes using academic literature to back up your arguments. You will explore the main financial instruments that are issued and traded including: money market instruments; bonds; equities; foreign exchange; and Insurance. You will learn about these instruments in the context of risk taking and the worldwide markets in which they are traded as well as the principal institutions that use these instruments.

AF5031 - CORE, 20 Credits

Professional Practice in Accounting, Economics and Finance

This innovative module attempts to provide students with a range of skills and practices, taught in the context of the particular functional specialism, which will prepare the student for a range of future opportunities. This module aims to prepare you for your future studies at Level 6 and work-based learning. It focuses on developing your skills and abilities to critically assess, analyse and manage business-based problems and projects, with emphasis on a range of business models.

AF5036 - CORE, 20 Credits

Mathematics and Statistics for Economics and Finance

Building on knowledge gained at level 4, you will continue to learn and increase your skills in applying a variety of practical mathematical and statistical methods specific to the disciplines of finance and economics. On the side of mathematics, this module will expand on geometric series, optimisation methods and techniques, differentiation and integration. On the side of statistics, you will review the derivation of probability distribution and start exploring aspects of linear regression analysis. The module will address formal derivations of mathematical and statistic functions by applying theories and techniques to practical economic and finance cases and examples

AF5037 - CORE, 20 Credits

Personal Finance and Wealth Planning

You will learn about personal finance and wealth planning with a view to understanding how different financial products can be used to satisfy different client needs and circumstances. You will learn about client appraisal; personal taxation (to include income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax); building an investment portfolio; mortgage finance; the handling of personal debt; insurance planning; retirement planning and estate planning in the financial planning process.

AF5038 - CORE, 20 Credits

Derivatives and Risk

On this module you will be introduced to complex financial instruments, derivatives. You will learn about the features of derivatives, the risks they are often designed to manage or speculate upon and the ways that money flows ‘through’ the transactions they create. You will learn how to calculate profits and losses resulting from transactions involving derivatives. The module specifically introduces you to Futures, Forwards, Options, and Swaps, as well as examples of exotic derivative types (such as carbon derivatives).

AF5039 - CORE, 20 Credits


Building on mathematical and statistical prior knowledge, the module introduces students to the theory and application of econometrics. You will learn classical econometric models such as simple and multiple regression analysis, assumptions and properties of statistical estimators, and the reasoning for violating these assumptions in specific cases. The module covers modelling and statistical inference techniques for single and multi-equation systems, and the use of these techniques with regard to data prediction, model evaluation and forecasting.

AF6030 - CORE, 20 Credits

Sustainable Development and Responsible Business

This module aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of key literature, research and economic policy debates in the area of environmental sustainability and responsible business. The objective of the module is to provide students with appropriate tools and technical know-how to critically discuss the trade-offs between economic development and environmental protection and moving capitalism towards a wider sense of accountability. The module will explore and examine the linkages between economic policies and environmental sustainability, the effects of international trade and globalisation on environmental resources, the role of international environmental agreements and the emergence of new forms of financial reporting centred on the principles of sustainability and social accountability.

Key topics covered in this module include:

  • Fundamentals of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development
  • Economic Growth and Environmental Conflicts
  • Measuring Sustainable Economic Welfare
  • Contingent Valuation and Revealed Preference Methods
  • Alternative Concepts of Capital: Environmental Accounting, Integrated Reporting, and the Triple Bottom Line
  • International Trade and Environmental Protection
  • Stakeholder Activism and Social Responsibility
  • Political Ecology: Challenging Narratives of Environmental Degradation
  • Financial Reporting and Climate Change
  • The Circular Economy
  • The Role of Social and Solidarity Economies

AF6036 - CORE, 20 Credits

Risk in Financial Insitutions I

In this module you will learn about the capital risks faced by financial institutions. These include credit risk, risks from securitisation exposure, market risk and liquidity risk. You will study the specific areas of credit, market and liquidity risk in the context of the relevant regulatory framework (The Basel Accords) and draw on case study material provided by high profile banks and financial institutions. You will be expected to develop an understanding of the nature of these interlinked risks as well as to understand how they are measured and managed in line with regulations.

AF6037 - CORE, 20 Credits

Risk in Financial Institutions II

In this module you will focus on the specific area of treasury risk arising from interest rate and foreign exchange rate risk. You will also explore the ever- changing world of operational risk within financial institutions. You will investigate how the risks faced by financial institutions are linked via systemic risk and learn which institutions may be more susceptible to shocks. You will also learn how to measure and manage aspects of these banking risks with the help of case studies set within banking and finance institutions. Further, a key aspect of the module is to determine why an effective fraud risk assessment framework is essential to financial institutions to avoid financial Loss and reputational damage. Prominent real-life financial disasters will be examined to demonstrate how these issues can impact upon banking and financial institutions.

The module will cover topics such as:

  • Interest rate risk: the level and movement of interest rates; term structure theory; sources of interest rate risk to the banking book; measurement models (repricing gap, maturity and duration models); asset and liability management; Regulatory requirements.
  • The impact of foreign exchange rate on financial institutions.
  • Operational risk: sources; measurement models; operational risk management policies and procedure; regulatory implications.
  • How to develop a Fraud risk assessment and execute it within the global and digital banking environment.
  • The concept of systemic risk within the financial system and the macroprudential regulations developed to mitigate such a risk.

AF6038 - CORE, 20 Credits

Investment Management

This module aims to provide you with the knowledge and skills to apply a variety of quantitative and financial tools to construct, rebalance and evaluate a portfolio consisting of financial assets, mainly equities (including collective investments including SRI funds). The module is organised within the themes of rational and behavioural decision making in relation to investments. You will learn the about the psychological influences on decision making as well as the principles of market efficiency in the context of investment in real world financial assets. You will be exposed to a wide range of techniques for use in rebalancing, comparing, analysing and evaluating portfolios made up of financial assets. Furthermore, you will gain a practical understanding of various aspects of asset allocation, portfolio management strategies and important behavioural issues affecting portfolio choice.

Outline syllabus:

  • Investment Process and Asset Allocation
  • Portfolio Theory and Diversification
  • CAPM and other asset pricing models
  • Efficient Market Hypothesis
  • Equity Valuation
  • Portfolio Evaluation
  • Behavioural Finance
  • Irrationality Biases, Bubbles and Herd behaviour

NX9626 - OPTIONAL, 40 Credits

Undergraduate Consultancy Project

The module aims to provide you with an opportunity to integrate the knowledge acquired during the programme and apply this to a consultancy project for a real organisation. This consultancy project provides a vehicle for participants to develop and demonstrate key employability skills, to relate theory to practice, and to undertake a significant piece of assessed work commensurate with a capstone module

AF6042 - OPTIONAL, 40 Credits


The Dissertation module aims to equip you with the necessary intellectual and practical skills for undertaking an individual student-led, ethical investigation into an accounting, economics or finance (AEF) related problem or issue. In addition, the Dissertation aims to equip you with key transferable, employability skills, time management, project management, communication (written and verbal), negotiation, persuasion and influence, discovery, initiative, creativity and innovation in problem-solving and analysis.

The module is student-led but you are supported by, introductory lectures and workshops as well as guest lectures which introduce undertaking AEF research followed by one-to-one or small-group supervision meetings with an academic from the AEF subject discipline.

The lectures and IT workshops will provide a thorough grounding into undertaking an extended piece of researching, focusing on:

  • Refining a research aim/question (focusing and scoping the research) and project proposal
  • Developing a literature review
  • Researching ethically
  • Quantitative research and analysis techniques
  • Qualitative research and analysis techniques

Upon completion of the AFM Dissertation module you will be able to:

  • Conduct independent and ethical academic research involving the application and critical evaluation of appropriate theories and models.
  • Engage critically with relevant literature to establish a framework in which to analyse and synthesise the results of your primary or secondary research.
  • Generate / collect relevant primary or secondary data using an appropriate and justified method.
  • Analyse your data using an appropriate and justified method of analysis.
  • Recognise the ethical implications of your work.
  • Critically evaluate the source of your data and the method you adopted.

Entry Requirements

In addition to a good secondary school profile, it is recognised that successful admission of the programme is dependent upon the ability of the students in the English Language. All students must have an adequate command of written and spoken English to be able to study any programme which leads to an award of the University.

Mandatory for all years

A high school certificate recognized by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Qatar

The minimum pre-entry requirements into QFBA-Northumbria University programmes are as follow:

1st Year

At least IELTS 5.0 or equivalent, with a minimum IELTS component score of 4.5

2nd Year

Completed foundation year from a recognised institution by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Qatar (e.g. University Foundation College, Academic Bridge Program)

3rd Year

Completed 2-year diploma from a recognised institution by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Qatar (e.g. University of Doha for Science and Technology (formally CNAQ) and Community College of Qatar)

Admission Requirements

Application FormApplication Form

ID / PassportQID and Passport

Passport Sized PhotoPassport Sized Photo

High School TranscriptHigh School Transcript

College TranscriptCollege Transcript

(if applicable)


(if applicable)

Fee Schedule

Tuition fee

Tuition fee:

QR 70,400 per year
Application fee

Application fee:

QR 300

Fees can be paid by card at the University premises, online from your applicant login, or via bank transfer. Application fees (QR 300) are non-refundable.

Application Timeline

January intake:

Application open in November

Application deadline in February

September intake:

Application open in February

Application deadline in September