• 2.9.6 Rating agency reporting


    Description of role

    Responsible for performing functions of the credit rating agency i.e. researching, assigning and reporting credit ratings.


    Core skills

    • Knowledge of the functions of credit rating agencies
    • Ability to gather information about the issuer and the characteristics of security or obligation being rated
    • Knowledge of quantitative and qualitative models and methodologies used for determining credit ratings
    • Understanding of the ratings monitoring process, including where applicable changes in rating criteria and assumptions
    • Knowledge of disclosure requirements
    • Awareness on the limitations of ratings in cases of limited historical data(such as innovative finance vehicle)

    Qualification and/ or certification

    • QFSQF Level 3
    • Relevant experience


    Industry knowledge

    • Knowledge of banking industry


    Regulatory compliance of role

    • Knowledge of banking regulatory framework
    • AML laws and regulations