• 2.3.1 Facultative underwriting


    Description of role

    Responsible for facultative retakaful underwriting for risk management purposes and managing customers and intermediaries.


    Core skills

    • Ability to identify main rating factors required to assess a risk (claims history, location, value, etc.)
    • Ability to perform underwriting analysis and evaluation of risks
    • Ability to cost the expected loss and pricing the cover in an accurate manner and in line with Takaful pricing underwriting guidelines.
    • Knowledge of the importance of managing exposure.
    • Knowledge of the different types of facultative Retakaful.
    • Knowledge of the characteristics and processes of facultative Retakaful.
    • Ability to analyse underlying Takaful contract coverage.

    Qualification and/ or certification

    • QFSQF Level 2-4
    • Relevant experience


    Industry knowledge

    • Knowledge of Takaful and Retakaful market, industry trends and developments.


    Regulatory compliance of role

    • Knowledge of Takaful regulatory framework
    • Knowledge of laws and regulations impacting underwriting